19 April 2024

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Writing a book is not a linear process.
It’s a process of starting, stopping, creating, deleting, rewriting and, above all, putting a lot of words on paper.
Words that may never end up in your book, but that you need to get to the story you really want to tell.
To get into a writing rhythm, you need a writing routine.
Because only by writing frequently will you stay creative and your book will eventually get there.
How long it takes you to write a book depends entirely on: the time you have to write, the story you want to write, the help you enlist during the writing process.
You can read more about this in this blog.

How do you create a writing routine?

Everyone puts together differently, which is why there is no set pattern to train your writing muscle.
What is needed is almost daily practice.
This can be by writing in a journal and starting your day by writing three pages full, it can also be by writing a small story of about 500 words each day.

  1. Provide a regular writing spot
  2. Provide a set time
  3. Choose your favorite writing tool
  4. Make it a special moment
  5. Make sure you are not distracted

1. Provide a fixed writing spot

If you write with pen and paper, on a laptop or tablet, then of course you can write anywhere.
You grab your supplies and get to work.
Still, it may help better if you have a regular place you use to reinforce your writing routine.
That can be the desk you work at as well, or you can create a special place for it.
A place where you stay ultimately inspired.
What that place looks like is entirely up to you.
If you are easily distracted, make sure the place is quiet.
If, on the contrary, you need the environment for inspiration, then it works better to choose a place with a view or inspiring attributes.

2. Provide a set time

A set time in the day makes your writing routine more powerful.
I prefer to write in the morning.
When everything around me is still quiet and I am not yet distracted by my phone, social media or email.
For years, I started writing at 6 a.m..
That always felt like my sacred moment, before my other activities began.
The quiet of the morning can fuel your creativity, but you may also prefer writing in the middle of the day or just in the evening.
Research what time of day works for you and block that moment in your calendar.
That’s your time.
And you can do that even with just 20 minutes a day.

3. Choose your favorite writing tool

How do you prefer to write?
With pen and paper or just on the computer?
I like to alternate.
There are periods when I prefer to write on paper and other times I immediately grab my laptop.
If you write with pen and paper, make sure you use material that makes you happy.
Because nothing is as annoying as a faltering pen, a pencil that is too sharp or out of focus, or paper your pen doesn’t glide smoothly across.
You can also choose writing tools online.
I still prefer to work with Word, because that setup still reminds me of a lot of paper.

4. Make it a special moment

If you want to put your true story on paper, it is very important that you get in touch with your inner voice.
Because that is your truth.
To hear it, before you begin your writing routine you can do a short meditation, or some other writing ritual.
The point is to learn to listen to that voice, which can best put your story on paper.

5. Don’t get distracted

If you have little time to write, make sure you actually don’t get distracted during your writing routine.
Tell your roommates not to disturb you (only in extreme emergencies of course😉 ) and turn off your phone.
Really give yourself some space to let the words flow.
So that you can really put your story on paper even in little time.

Want help creating a writing routine?

Then sign up for Write Your Life, 52 writing rituals to find your true voice.


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