Looking for clarity?

Ask your question and I will help you

Sometimes there are times when you just don’t know which way to turn.
That you wonder if you are really in touch with your intuition to make the right choice.

There are situations when you just don’t know what to do anymore.
That you are running around in circles and could use some new input.

You are then not looking for a whole coaching program, but want quick information and fast forward.

What deep down inside you know exactly what you want, but since you are always doing it alone, a sounding board is nice once in a while 😉

Clarity call

During a clarity call, I help you get started in a short time with a pressing question.
The call takes place via Zoom.
In the first 15 minutes you have the time to explain what you are struggling with.
Then I get a feel for what exactly is going on and give you my ideas in the following 30-45 minutes.
You let everything sink in and at the end of the session you have time to react and ask questions.


I am critical and straightforward.
I see where your pitfalls lie and often have ideas that may be exciting or outside your comfort zone.



No later than two business days after your payment, you will receive an invitation from me to schedule an appointment in my calendar.
Then you will immediately receive a zoom link, with which you can dial in at the appointed time.


Since I often have an empty schedule, chances are I can help you on short notice as well.



Book by December 21, 2024

and pay €149.00 instead of €199
(price ex 21% VAT)

Diana Beertema - PaulaEntrepreneur
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Our inspiration session was magical, the start with was very nice with the meditation. There was a sense of confidence. The meditation gave a direction in the session. The many questions you asked made it clear what I really wanted.
Something has really changed. It started flowing again. I distanced myself from the idea I had.
I got stuck in the writing process and now it turns out why. Everything is energy; it was mainly the low energy that caused me to get stuck. By exploring with Irene, what I was stuck on, I discovered that I could let go of the old story. After the session I took action and now I am looking for a space to meet more people so that I can connect even more. I feel a strength of confidence and feel I am walking on my right path. I am very grateful for that.
Michel KolenbranderOffice of Conception
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'Irene's own way of living life appeals to me, inspires me and was the impetus to engage with her. We share the belief that you should let people do what they are good at, what their heart is and what they have talent for. Irene not only has the talent to write, but also to sense what is needed for your story. That makes her the ideal sparring partner to tackle this process together. Like me, she is open-minded, a pioneer, an innovator, which makes it click and the process fun. She understands me and can empathize with me as an entrepreneur. She is also an excellent communicator, has a more than warm heart for the world and has experience with municipalities which are an important target group for my book. Irene gives peace and space. Peace to let be. Space to let emerge.'

About me

Irene van Gent

In addition to the stories, books and blogs I write, I help entrepreneurs gain clarity about their unique story and encourage them to share that story in the way that best suits them. I work as a ghostwriter, writing books, blogs and articles for creative and spiritual entrepreneurs who don’t feel like it or don’t have time to do it themselves.

I also write my own books and blogs to inspire people to create the life that suits them best.


of fiction and non-fiction books

Untamed Woman

my blog on Substack


I work entirely online.