Return to your true essence

by connecting with your inner wisdom

You know that life is made for living.
That you are not meant to always be chasing after others to make them happy.
You want to live from your own intuition.
You want to share your wisdom and bring others into the visions you have.
Yet it still feels a little uncomfortable to actually do that.

You long to connect with your essence so that you can share your truth from your own power.

The good news is, you can do this!

You can live a life in balance, where you work and live from your intuition, following your soul mission.
A life in which you have much more room to move with the rhythm of the seasons, your female cycle and the position of the moon.
A life in which love, peace and simplicity prevail, in which you set the rules and no one else.

To make that happen, you only need a few things:

  1. pen and paper
  2. 15 minutes of silence a day
  3. connecting with your intuition/inner voice

Connecting with your inner wisdom

Intuitive writing is a powerful tool for creating clarity.
By getting in touch with your intuition, you know what steps you can take to create the life that suits you best.

By writing down the messages, you get closer and closer to your essence and what is important to you.

After a few weeks you will already see results from everything you write down.
Writing is a form of transmitting and attracting.
What you want to create is already present in your energy field, you just need to sense it and trust that it will come to you at the right time!

52 writing rituals

From the moment you sign up, you will receive a writing assignment every Sunday for a year.
Through that assignment you get in touch with your intuition.
This way you can let your inner voice do the work.
You can do that assignment once, or every day.
Just as often as you want.

By connecting with your inner voice each day or week, you get the answers you need to shape your life.
By writing the words down, you empower them and make it easier to realize them.


with your own inner voice


with gentleness and love


by writing from your soul


release it by writing

Sign up now and start your magical writing year on Jan. 8, 2024.

If you register before Jan. 6, you will participate for the price of €99 (incl. VAT).

After that time, the price goes up to €111.

This program is for you, if you:

  • want to follow your own path, but don’t always know where that path is going;
  • Want to discover what leads you deeply;
  • Want to feel free to make the choices that are best for you.
    Without feeling ashamed of it or afraid that people will think you’re crazy;
  • are not looking for a quick fix, but for a stable foundation to create what suits you.

Writing rituals

With these 52 writing rituals, you will connect with your inner voice and discover what your truth is.

Writing rituals

88 ex 21% VAT
Offer valid until 30/11/24
  • Writing to connect with your wisdom
  • A spiritual journey to who you really are
  • Opportunity to ask personal questions

Writing rituals + personal guidance

Give yourself the year of your life and add 4 clarity calls to your Writing Rituals.

Writing rituals +
personal guidance

599 ex 21% VAT
Offer valid until 30/11/24
  • Contact with your own source of wisdom
  • Clarity about your desires
  • Taking a critical look at the next step in your life
Marieke van Mourik
Marieke van Mourik@mooisvanmarieke
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I find the writing rituals very nice and valuable. I don't manage to do the assignment right away every time, but for the most part I do. Then I also have something to look forward to when I have more space again.
It amazes me (maybe not) how it sometimes flows after I have found peace within myself. Reading back, I sometimes see such beautiful sentences, which I then know I can use again in my stories or content. Also, writing longer allows you to get to other places in your creative brain and discover new possibilities.
I am currently in a very hectic period. Then it's just nice to use this to unwind again.
It also ensures that I have clarity on what I am working toward and that I am and stay on my own path.
So I think it's super! Thank you 😃. Every Sunday I look forward to the new writing assignment 🥳.
Geertje van Berlo
Geertje van Berlo
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What touches and inspires me is your openness, your guts/drive to follow your own path, to follow your heart. To not put money first, but what makes you happy. To show that things can be done differently. To follow your own rhythm, to (dare to) do things differently, to go deep.

Also your vulnerability and "lesser," exciting moments you show in it.

And your soul talk: it helps as encouragement to write. To play. To not take life too seriously. Not to listen to the little voices in your head that stop you from creating.

Being Own-Wise. The Artist's Way, you are living it! Very inspiring.
Ingeborg van Egmond
Ingeborg van Egmond
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'Happiness in 8 cups of tea' reads nicely, Irene talks very openly and approachable about her experiences in search of more happiness in her life.

Because I recognize so much in it and Irene's style appeals to me, I did the 12-week 'happiness training' with her. That is a good 'stick' to really use the book as a workbook, an action book. You get concrete assignments that help you step by step to pick up a different lifestyle, at the points you choose.

You will receive the assignments by email, one each week. I definitely recommend booking the conversations with Irene! She helps you by holding up a mirror to your story. She puts focus: you don't have to do everything at once and you certainly don't have to do it all by yourself. Irene has given me tools for more depth in life, in a positive, not pedantic, inspiring tone.

Irene van Gent

I live the life that suits me

In 2009, I decided to leave everything I had behind and go on a journey.
When I got on the train to France, I never imagined that the search for who I really am could be so bumpy.
I had to break free from everything I knew and tread many unexplored paths.

What kept me going through all those years was my writing routine, which sometimes resulted in endless pages in my journal, sometimes in a daily blog and other times in a book.

I suffered many setbacks, often caused by ignoring my inner voice.
Because it was precisely when I followed that voice that it all made sense.

It is my greatest wish that everyone in this world be free to hear and follow the messages of their souls.
This is because these messages are always loving and encouraging, and they help you stand your ground when life challenges you.

If everyone could follow the voice of their soul, what would the world be like?

Fortunately, you can be a light on your own path and thus be an example.
Step by step, we make the world a nice and healthy place to live.

Will you join us on a trip?