Inspiration session

Need inspiration?

If everyone does what feels right for them, we can create a world that is more sustainable.
A world where there is more love for ourselves, people and the world around us.
That may sound pompous and impossible, but in my mind that is exactly what we need to face the challenges we face.

In the past, we (and our ancestors) made choices about how we wanted to live.
We have always striven for more and better.
But now that we have, this may not be so blissful.
It creates much bigger problems than we ever imagined.
Because of the pressure we put on ourselves to accomplish things and accumulate more and more, we forget the things that are really important to us.

We have less time and attention for each other.
Make eating a thing on our to-do list and think we should also exercise every day.

What happens when we stop working the way we know?
And make space to explore new forms?

In my inspiration sessions, I discuss how we can create a world we desire.
What role does work take in our lives, how do we think about health, and can we combine them as well?
Can work be a source of joy, rather than something that must be done to earn your money to live?

Please contact me for options.


Irene is very diverse, from writer and speaker to… host/table lady for events.
SMIE Academy can know because there she fantastically led the dialogue session during the kick-off event at the AFAS Da Vinci theater.

Björn Six

Smie Academy

I met Irene during her lecture, “Follow Your Own Way.

Because at that time I was very unsure how I wanted to fill the rest of my work career and personal life, this lecture came at exactly the right time for me.
Irene inspired me enormously through her own story.

Irene is a candid and warm woman.
She tells with passion and passion about her own quest.
She lets so much inspiration flow from this that it really makes you think.

Rina van Loenen – Dekker