My wisdom is worth its weight in gold

Making the world a more beautiful place with stories is my mission.
I believe we need stories to understand ourselves, each other and the world.
But also to make the world more beautiful.
Not just because a story, whether in the form of a book or a film, allows you to get away from it all and disconnect from the world around you.

By telling each other what concerns us, we can better understand each other and ourselves.
That’s why we need stories; to tell who we are, what we do and why.

With the stories I write, I try to make the world more understandable to my readers.
For example, I explored the essence of natural foods, the power of yoga philosophy, and wrote about creating the life that suits you best.
With each blog, book and story I write, I get closer to myself and better understand the world around me.

After these three non-fiction books, I began my first novel, I Am Sara.
I could not have imagined that this would become a trilogy, but parts 2 and 3 are currently in the works.

I also write on my blog “The Untamed Women,” where I share stories about how we as women can trust our wild wisdom much more and detach ourselves from anything that doesn’t serve us.

irene van gent, schrijver, auteur, wijsheid van de vrouw

Your story is worth its weight in gold

You, too, have a unique story to share.
Whatever you experience in your life is always an inspiration to the people you meet.
If you started out as an entrepreneur, chances are you did so because you believed in something.
You knew you could make a different noise.
You knew you were the one who could make a change in something.

If you are just beginning to tell your story, you may find it difficult to find the right words.
Or you may not know where to start.

It is my strength to bring out the essence from all your ideas.
I see in a short time what the story is that you have to tell and how best to do that.

Are you ready to share your story with the world around you?
Then contact me, I would love to help you!

These projects I created out of love and connection