Write your life

‘Weekly inspiration to create the life that suits you best

Are you ready to connect with your inner voice to create a life that suits you better than the life that is dictated to you by others and society?

When we live according to our own desires, we create a world that is more loving and free.
A world where you can live according to your female cycle, the cycle of the moon and the seasons and all the things you think are important.

This is probably not the way you have been taught that life should be.
The aim of life in general is to work hard, earn money, buy a house, have some kids and live the life all people live.

But this is not for you!
You want other things from life, you want to connect with nature, your personal rhythm, the trees, the sea, animals, fresh food directly from its source.

That’s what you desire.
Not a bigger car, a better mobile phone or the most expensive designer bag.
You don’t want to be in the rat race.
You are here to do other things.

No: you love to create things; knit your own shawl and blanket, buy second hand clothes, have your own vegetable garden and fruit trees.
Make time for cooking, meaningful conversations and loving moments with your partner.

Have you always been the odd one out?
The one with too many feelings, always asking difficult questions and taking the other road?

Write your life is the place where you find (writing) inspiration to create the life that suits you best.

You have it all in you

You have all the answers to create this magical life already in you.
You only have to dig a little deeper to find the answers to the big life questions.

You don’t have to believe all the gurus who tell you that you are broken and have to fix yourself.
You are more than enough.
You are a master creator, when you start listening to your own inner wisdom.

To create the change we wish to see in the world, we have to show the way.
By sharing our personal, honest stories we can inspire each other and ourselves.

Find your voice

and write your own life story


to your inner voice


your life by finding your true essence

Free yourself

and create the life that suits you best

"Story by story we create a new world"

About me

Stories heal

I have always been one of the odd ones out.
Always asking too many questions and feeling too much (or at least that is what they told me in the past).
I have always shared my stories.
Even though there were times I was silent because I thaught people didn’t understand me.

And believe me, they probably didn’t.
Oftentimes I couldn’t quite understand or explain myself why I did what I did and wrote what I wrote.
Now I can see the bigger picture.
I had to go through it all to understand everything better.

The stories on the blog

On this blog you will find stories about writing, entrepeneurship, and about my life in Greece.
And occasionally there is a podcast interview with an inspiring entrepreneur.
All stories are connected to the idea that every story can change a life.
Because by sharing our stories we are able to heal ourselves and our readers.



Write your life

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Geertje van Berlo
Geertje van Berlo
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What touches and inspires me is your openness, your guts/drive to follow your own path, to follow your heart. To not put money first, but what makes you happy. To show that things can be done differently. To follow your own rhythm, to (dare to) do things differently, to dive deep. Also your vulnerability and "lesser," exciting moments you show in that. And your soultalk: which helps as encouragement to start writing. To play. To not take life too seriously. Not to listen to the little voices in your head that stop you from creating. To be self-wise. The Artist's Way, you are living it! Very inspiring.
Ingeborg van Egmond
Ingeborg van Egmond
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Happiness in 8 cups of tea' reads well, Irene talks very openly and easily about her experiences in search of more happiness in her life. Because I recognize so much in it and Irene's style appeals to me, I did the 12-week 'happiness training' with her. That is a good stick to use the book as a workbook, an action book. You get concrete assignments that help you step by step to change your lifestyle, at the points you choose. You get the assignments by mail, one each week. I definitely recommend booking the sessions with Irene! She helps you by holding up a mirror to your story. She puts focus: you don't have to do everything at once and you certainly don't have to do it all by yourself. Irene gave me many tools for personal development, for more depth in life, in a positive, not pedantic, inspiring tone. I will definitely continue with this.