Schrijfrituelen om contact te maken met je innerlijke wijsheid

Writing rituals to create the life that truly suits you

You can live a life in balance, where you work and live from your intuition, following your soul mission.
A life in which you have much more room to move with the rhythm of the seasons, your female cycle and the position of the moon.
A life where love, peace and simplicity prevail, where you set the rules and no one else.
To realize that, you only need a few things:

  1. pen and paper
  2. 15 minutes of silence a day
  3. connecting with your intuition/inner voice

For a year, you will receive a writing assignment every Sunday.
Through that assignment, you connect with your intuition.
This allows you to let your inner voice do the work.
You can do that assignment once, or every day for a week.
Just as often as you want.
You can do it your way!
By connecting with your inner voice every day or every week, you will get answers you need to shape the journey of your life.
By writing the words down, you empower them and make it easier to realize them.
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Writing Rituals You know that life is made for living.
That you are not meant to always be chasing after others to make them happy.
You want to live from your own intuition.
You want to share your wisdom and bring others into the visions you have.
Yet it still feels a little uncomfortable to actually do that.
You long to connect with your essence, so that you can share your truth from your own power.
With these 52 writing rituals, I am sure you will succeed!
You can live a life in balance, where you work and live from your intuition, following your soul mission.
A life in which you have much more room to move with the rhythm of the seasons, your female cycle and the position of the moon.
A life where love, peace and simplicity prevail, where you set the rules and no one else.
To realize that, you only need a few things:

  1. pen and paper
  2. 15 minutes of silence a day
  3. connecting with your intuition/inner voice

Connecting with your inner wisdom

Intuitive writing is a powerful tool for creating clarity.
By getting in touch with your intuition, you know what steps you can take to create the life that suits you best.
By writing down the messages, you get closer and closer to your essence and what is important to you.
After a few weeks you will already see results from everything you write down.
Writing is a form of transmitting and attracting.
What you want to create is already present in your energy field; all you have to do is feel it and trust that it will come to you at the right time!

52 writing rituals

From the moment you sign up you will receive one of the writing rituals every Sunday for a year.
Through that ritual you get in touch with your intuition.
This allows you to let your inner voice do the work.
You can do that assignment once, or every day.
Just as often as you want.
By connecting with your inner voice each day or week, you will get the answers you need to shape your life.
By writing the words down, you empower them and make it easier to realize them.

Additional information

Writing rituals

Writing rituals, Writing rituals plus
