The wisdom of women

Is also in you

As a woman, you have an invaluable amount of knowledge within you.
Knowledge you may only share with yourself because you fear being declared crazy for the visions you have.

You know better than anyone else what the world could look like as well, and you deeply long for a life that is different from the world you are in now.

You feel there may be more room for love, peace, sustainable choices, but how do you bring that wisdom forward in a world where rational male thinking still prevails?

Fortunately, you are among the women who know it’s time to change, who feel things can’t go on like this.
You want to be the change you want to see in the world, but you don’t want to do it alone.

You look for connection, for other stories of women who have gone before you or women who, like you, are on a quest for a different life.

The change doesn’t always have to be big and compelling, by the way, but you’ve reached an age when you’re sure there’s even more in store for you than how you’ve lived life so far.

In Sara’s Book Club you will meet like-minded people and discover how to get in touch with your own wisdom.
We work with the wisdom of the ‘Sara trilogy’ a series of books in which Sara searches for the essence of who she really is.
An inspiring book series that takes you to new worlds.

Saras boek club

What are we going to do?

Every month there is an online meetup with all book club members.
Based on a chosen theme, we engage with each other.
We share our honest stories and challenges we face.


We will start in early January.
The first online meetup will take place in the last week of January 2025.
You can sign up until December 31, 2024.



Apply by November 11, 2024

and pay €249.00 instead of €299
(price ex 21% VAT)

Read More
''I Am Sara is an inspirational, spiritual novel, and a great read too! Irene's writing style draws you into the story. You imagine yourself all over the world in Sara's life. You empathize with her and are inspired to think carefully about your own life as well. In short, a novel you can sink into, and make your own life change!''
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''I thought it was an (h)honest book about a young woman's quest. I was completely in the story and kept reading... Surprising feelings and events that kept me reading on. Hugely enjoyable, fine and intriguing novel I look forward to the sequel''
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''I am Sara is a novel with a deeper layer. A young woman searching for herself to become happy. During the search, she encounters several people who all teach her a lesson. I don't feel that this is quite my kind of book, but for when it appeals to you, it is definitely recommended; the book is well put together.''

About me

Irene van Gent

Woman’s wisdom…

The genesis of this is a story in itself.
I’m sure I’ll tell it again, but in truly embracing my own wisdom, I realized that we are all wise women.
And that we get to use that wisdom to create a new world.

I stand up and let my voice be heard, what about you?


of fiction and non-fiction books

Untamed Woman

my blog on Substack


I work primarily online.